Train Simulator Tools

Privacy statement

If you subscribe to the mailing list you agree with following privacy rules:

  1. The rules are fully in agreement with GDPR, the EU privacy regulations.
  2. The email address will be used exclusively to send you up to twelve newsletter every year. The main purpose of these newsletters is to inform you about updates and new guides for trainsimulation games and support software for these games. I also may ask you for a donation to cover the expenses for the website, mailing list and software development.
  3. You can always unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe button.
  4. Upon request I will inform you about the personal information I have registered. You can find a suitable mail address in the user manuals of my tools or in every guide I create. For security reasons, no email address is provided at my website.
  5. If you unsubscribe I will remove your data within two years or upon your explicit request. If you are no longer subscribed, you data will not be used in any way.
  6. You personal information will not be provided to any other person or organization, neither will it be used for any other purpose than stated in this privacy statement.

If you have any questions or hesitations, please contact me by email.
