Train Simulator Tools

Train simulator downloads

Train Simulator documentation downloads

Scenario authors guide part I v1.0 Getting started with scenario creation    
Scenario authors guide part II v0.2 Advanced topics Update June 4th 2017  
Scenario authors guide part III v1.1 LUA scripting for scenarios Update June 4th 2017  

Train Simulator software downloads

LuaCreator, a toolkit for scenario authors

LuaCreator is a toolkit for scenario authors, though casual players may benefit as well.

LuaCreator has several unique features:

  • List all routes and scenarios, even when packed in .ap files.
  • View scenario properties
  • View rolling stock and missing stock for any scenario, including stock that is packaged in .ap files.
  • Create Lua generated messages, without programming
  • Create several Lua scripts from script templates, making scripting much easier
  • List all possible SysCall command names for the player engine (no need to run TS2018)
  • Debug Lua scripts without running TrainSimulator
  • Replace rolling stock items with a few mouse clicks
  • Create an installer for your scenario
  • Generate documentation for your scenari

LuaCreator is free, but not freeware. I ask you to help me to create a rail vehicle catalog and more script templates. If you want to download LuaCreator, you promise to:

  1. Provide a LUA script template or
  2. Create catalog input for at least one DLC pack.
LuaCreator v0.91 installer Updated April 25th 2020


NOTE: If you use Inno Setup, be aware there is a new version (version 6). This is not yet supported by LuaCreator. I do not know if it is backward compatible. In case of problems, please use InnoSetup version 5.

FancyTrainsimTools will be the successor of LuaCreator. It is still in development, but you may have a look at the source code in the Github repository:

FancytrainsimTools at Github