
Ferry over the river Lek near Ameide

At this page I will provide a short overview on the cycling infrastructure in the Netherlands. Pages with more detailed information will follow soon.

Long distance cycling network

The real core network is the Long distance cycling network (In Dutch: Lange afstandsfietsnetwerk, or LF netwerk). It consist of over 20 long routes (100-400km). Each route is marked with road signs and you can buy guides for the routes. The routes take care to use roads with a minimum traffic and that are attractive for your pleasure.

Round trip route network

The Dutch tourist organization ANWB has created a large number of Round trip route network with a length of 30-60km each. The routes are marked with hexagonal road sign. You can buy guides and some routes can be downloaded.

Bicycle node network

The Bicycle Node Network (Dutch: Fietsknooppuntennetwerk) is a relatively new network. It consist of numbered nodes and signs indicating where you find nearby nodes. You need a map to plan your route. The big advantage is its flexibility. It will probably replace the round trip network, because the three networks together would produce too many signs. The node network almost has national coverage now. Only Groningen is still missing.

Other routes

Dutch waterline bicycle routes

North Sea cycling route

Route planners

For the long distance network a route planner is already available.  You cannot use the route planner and navigation system for your car to plan cycling tours. Their maps are too coarse and do not cover specific roads suitable for cyclists. Therefore volunteers are working on specific route planners for cyclists. Some of them are operation, but there is not yet national coverage.

The touristic route planner is partly translated into German Language:


A large number of suitable maps for bicycle tours are available. You should buy a map with a scale of about 1: 50.000 or 1:75.000 and it should contain at least the Bicycle nodes. You can buy them in bookshops, but usually only for the region where you are. In large outdoor shops or in the shops of the Dutch Tourist Association ANWB (shops in all larger cities), you may be able to find complete sets.

Ik may be handy to buy them all from the same editions so you have an adjacent set of maps. The maps issues by ANWB are very good, but I also used maps issued by Falk and others.